Friday, February 20, 2009

20 minutes on mascara

Let me paint a picture of the atmosphere here in the C'ville "Happy Belly House" right now.

The lights are dim and I can only just barely see the stacks of dishes hiding in the shadows of the kitchen: the aftermath of my initiation to cooking tofu/brown-rice salad.

Annie has crashed on the sofa, (a well deserved status considering the show she put on for us all at the 'church coffee shop' performance tonight), and Megan is pacing about with her new phone, talking to herself in whispered spurts about the various discoveries she's making about the cell phone she worked so hard to pick out and purchase.

And I am blogging once again: blogging and sipping the second to last cup of candy cane tea, a house favorite that I feel a little guilty about depleting.

It's been a good day. I woke up around 11 thinking that I had the whole day off, and by noon I had mustered up enough energy to agree to go in to work to help the students with their craft hour. I even had enough spunk to put a little mascara on for once...which confused the kids. I really didn't think kids noticed a thing like make up, but little 6 year old Ayana took one look at me and told me I 'looked weird.' It wasn't exactly the reaction I was looking for. I didn't spend 4 dollars on new mascara so that children could tell me I looked funny, but I suppose you get what you pay for and I'm just too cheap to see what reaction the 8$ mascara elicits. Perhaps Ayana would find that version of mascara less strikingly "weird."

But I'm a big girl. I've developed a tough enough skin to be able to let the accidental insults of a 6 year-old go ignored. Despite the unplanned work hours and the less than successful attempt at glamor, it was a good day. After all, who can have a bad day during President's Day week when there are kids running around wearing homemade Abe Lincoln hats. If little MacArthur can voluntarily spend the evening with a cylinder of construction paper propped on top of his head with absolute, unashamed confidence...then i suppose I can confidently spend the evening sporting the results of a bad mascara job.

so...there you have it. I just spent 20 minutes writing about mascara.

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