Friday, August 7, 2009


song i wrote:

He said don't flatter yourself
you're not that entertaining
as a matter of fact,
you can be quite draining

If i were you I would tame it down
take off that paper crown
leave it right there on the ground
Hurry, now, you're drawing a crowd

it's your fault at the end of the day
that's what you get for finding someone to blame
they'll all say it's ok
but look at you; you're covered in shame

he said don't pardon yourself
you're as guilty as i am
you may speak your thoughts
but you don't apply them

just forget about everything
take off that purity ring
no one keeps their angel wings
I could cage the bird and she'll probably sing

It's your fault at the end of the day
that's what you get for finding someone to blame
they'll all say it's ok
but look at you; you're covered in shame

she said i'm done with you
I hope to God you're a liar
Alli can blame myself for
is that tragic desire

I'm a coward but i put on a show
act out a smile after every blow
this is how the aftermath goes
i leave with the blame instead of the rose

I'm done with all of this blame
I'm finally through defending your name
you're gonna tell me i've changed
I wish that I could tell you the same

Take my advice
make no more excuses
for the love of your life
and all his abuses

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